Classic Banana Bread


There is no shortage of banana bread recipes online, so hopefully there is still room in the world for this one.  I have taken all my favourite banana bread recipes and over time morphed them into one.  From my moms, to my sisters to friends.  I find some are too moist, some are too dry and some are too sweet.  So I worked it and reworked it until I found the right combo for this household! I’ve got some great ideas for fancier banana breads and those with extra add ins to bump up nutrition (coming soon!).  I’m calling this recipe my ‘classic’ banana bread recipe because that’s what it is, no frills, no extra add ins (with the exception of chocolate chips of course!) just good old banana bread.  It’s made with whole wheat flour so there’s an extra bit of fibre and with the sweetness from the bananas and some chocolate chips its easy to keep the sugar content low. Great for breakfast or snacks! Enjoy slathered with your favourite nut butter, that’s our favourite way!

Classic Banana Bread

Makes ~ 10 slices 

Dry ingredients 

2 cups whole wheat flour 

2 tsp baking powder 

1 tsp baking soda 

½ tsp cinnamon 

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup sugar

Wet ingredients

¼ cup canola oil 

2/3 cup milk (any variety, I use cows milk or unsweetened almond milk) 

2 bananas, medium, mashed 

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla 

¼ cup chocolate chips 


  •  Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line loaf pan with parchment or grease

  • Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl

  •  In a larger bowl, mix together wet ingredients 

  • Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and stir until just combined, do not overmix

  •  Pour into prepared loaf pan 

  • Bake for 45-50min or until tester comes out clean

  • Allow to cool before slicing

Breakfast, Snackmelinda lamarche