Pretty in Pink Beet Hummus


I’m always looking for exciting ways to introduce new foods to my little ones.  It often takes quite a few attempts to get them to try something new.  Sometimes its even tricky to get them to try an old favourite in a new way.  Trying and trying again is key, 10 to 20 times actually. If you give up after only one or two tries, chances are your child will take years to try that food and always assume they never liked it.  Offering a new food or an old favourite in a new way might be challenging for some kiddos so using a fun recipe as a way to offer it might help.  Not always necessary of course, if we dress up every food we offer, it will become the expectation and enjoying foods in their natural state will be a hard sell.  But once in a while, dressing up a new food or an old favourite might do the trick.  

Hummus is popular at our house.  The kids love the dipping and the punch of flavour.  We are usually making our own but when times are busy a store bought variety with few ingredients fits the bill.  I decided to use hummus as a vehicle for serving up beets.  Beets are a delicious veggie!  Beautiful in colour with a great earthy flavour.  Some kids hate them while others love them.  I’m sure the same goes for adults too.  They are rich in antioxidants which help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer as well as other nutrients like fibre and folate. Fibre is essential for gut health and folate is required by the body to keep cells healthy.  In this recipe, I use beets that have been slowly roasted in the oven.  The combination of beets with the chickpeas, tahini and garlic is a match made in heaven.  Smeared on whole grain pita or used as a dip for veggies.   The colour was what sold this snack to the kiddos, you don’t often see bright pink foods (other than cakes or candy) so they were intrigued.  Everyone approved and its become part of our regular snack rotation.  Here’s to trying an old favourite in a new way all while introducing a new veggie! 

Pretty in Pink Beet Hummus


1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained 

2 cloves garlic

1 tbsp tahini 

1 tbsp lemon juice 

1 tbsp olive oil 

2 beets, roasted and peeled 

Salt to taste


  • Roast beets ahead of time. 

  • In a blender or food processor combine all ingredients.  

  • Pulse / Mix ingredients until well combined and smooth.  

  • Add warm water by tablespoon if the hummus is too thick.  

  • Sprinkle with salt if needed. Transfer to container, will keep for 5 days in the refrigerator.  

  • Serve with whole grain pita and veggies. 

Lunch, Snackmelinda lamarche