Double Chocolate Banana Bread


Who doesn't love banana bread? i purposely buy plenty of bananas each week so that we have a few ripe enough to make banana bread or muffins on a regular basis. When I don’t have enough time to get to baking, I peel the bananas and freeze them in packages of two (the number of bananas I need for most of my banana recipes). When a craving strikes, all I have to do is defrost a package and we are ready to go. Last week, my 4 year old made a request for banana bread three days in a row. By the fourth day, I decided it was time to make one. With her help, we made this delicious Double Chocolate Banana Bread. Made with whole wheat flour and little sugar, its great for breakfast or snack. Not to mention that the house smells amazing when this is baking in the oven. I had three very happy littles ones come snack time and I was pretty happy to be enjoying it with a hot cup of coffee too!

Double Chocolate Banana Bread

Dry ingredients

1 ¾ cup whole wheat flour 

¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 

1 tbsp baking powder 

1 tsp baking soda 

¼ tsp salt 

½ tsp cinnamon 

¼ cup mini chocolate chips 

1/3 cup sugar

Wet ingredients

2 bananas, ripe and mashed

¼ cup milk (any kind) 

¼ cup vegetable oil 

1 tsp vanilla 


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees and grease or line loaf pan

  • In a small bowl, mix together all dry ingredients

  • In a medium bowl, mix together all wet ingredients 

  • Add dry ingredients to wet and stir gently to combine, do not over mix 

  • Pour into loaf pan and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a tester comes out clean